Reasons To Believe in Creationism
A princess kisses a frog, and that frog turns into a handsome prince. I call that a fairy tale. Evolutionists call it science. Given enough time, they say that frog will turn into a handsome prince. For the evolutionist if you have enough time anything can happen, even life from nonlife. The only way life can happen is through the supernatural sovereign GOD of the universe.
Yes, I believe in creationism because I believe in the Bible as an absolute. What has increased my faith more in the Bible is the evidence found in creationism. Looking at the first eleven chapters of the Bible we see the creation story, the first sin, Noah’s flood, and the tower of Babel. Creationism proves to me that these first eleven chapters and the rest of the Bible is true and can be trusted. Evolution postulates that there is no God. There is no designer. The philosophy of the evolutionist is naturalism, which says that only the natural world exists and that there is no supernatural or spiritual control over nature.
It only takes basic common sense to figure out that all we have in the universe came from a designer. It takes a designer to design a watch. It takes a designer to design a car. Can you think of anything that can just pop out of thin air? Every atom, every chemical element, rocks & minerals, plants & animals, planets, moons, stars, galaxies all need a designer. Christians look at the origin of the universe as a unique creation designed by God. Evolutionists look at the origin of the universe as a successful accident by chance.
Biogenesis vs Evolution
Creationists believe in biogenesis. Biogenesis states that life can only come from life. Evolutionists believe that the first life was not created but evolved from non-life. This reminds me of an old hypothesis pertaining to origins. Science used to believe in “spontaneous generation.” What is spontaneous generation?1 People used to believe at one time insects suddenly appeared out of the mud. Later, recipes were written on how to make rats and other animals out of filthy rags. Today evolutionists don’t believe in spontaneous generation, but their claim is that life can come from nonlife just like spontaneous generation. So, figure that out.How does the evolutionist believe that life evolved? One of their most popular theories is known as the “primordial soup.” Here’s how the story goes so they say. Once upon a time about four billion years ago when the earth was young the atmosphere was home to simple non-organic chemical elements produced by the “big bang”— hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor. These chemical elements mixed somehow, and a bolt of lightning struck the mixture and poof organic amino acids were generated. This miracle of chance together with random genetic mutation eventually produced one-celled bacteria and one-celled protozoa. Continued genetic mutation eventually produced humans.2 Most genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial to the organism. There has never been any evolution observed in any organisms. Many evolutionists label natural selection as evolution. Natural selection uses pre-existing characteristics of an organism to bring about change within the organism. For example, this could be variation in color or size.3
There are various skin colors in human beings. We still are human. Adolph Hitler believed in evolution. He claimed the Jew and the negro were inferior to the white race. The different races in humans are a result of natural selection not evolution from an inferior to a more advanced race like Hitler and Charles Darwin believed. Do you know what the complete title of Charles Darwin’s famous book was? Today if you buy this classic, it is just simply titled “The origin of Species.” But the original title with subtitle published in its first edition on November 24, 1859, was titled, THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE. Who were the favored races you might ask? They say that Adolph Hitler had a list.4
The Fossil Record
Let’s look at the fossil record. Fossils are formed mostly in sedimentary rock. This sedimentary rock is formed by rapid burial. I believe this rapid burial of sedimentary rock is evidence of a global flood. Fossils of dinosaur skeletons have been found in positions that suggest sudden and violent deaths. Fossil fish have been found in the process of feeding on other fish. In the Cumberland Bone Cave in Maryland the remains of dozens of species of mammals have been found with reptiles and birds from all different types of climates.5 Coal and oil are known as fossil fuels because they are made of fossilized organic living organisms that are found all over the world including Antarctica. Oil does not take a long time to form. Oil has been made in the laboratory from organic materials in as little as twenty minutes.6 In Siberia and Alaska, we have found dead mammoths that had died so quickly that undigested food is in their stomachs. Grass, bluebells, buttercups, sedges, and wild beans have been found in their mouths.7
There are fossils that cross one geological stratum into another. This confuses evolutionists. A geological stratum is a layer of rocky sediment that had been deposited. We see many of these layers in the Grand Canyon in Arizona which I and many of you have visited. If you look at these layers, they will have differences in color or texture or both. These layers are part of what geologists call the “geological column.” This column of layers is seen all over the world. Creationists know these layers to be the evidence of the great flood of Noah. These types of fossils that can cross many strata are called “polystrate” fossils. Tree trunks have been found which extend through several strata. These trunks were buried quickly. Evolutionists do not believe in quick burial of sediments. Evolutionists believe that each stratum in the geological column suggests many millions of years. Polystrate fossils prove them wrong. These trunks are turned up-side-down and side-ways. These trunks also show no sign of decay. If the fossils show no sign of decay that means they are not as old as evolutionists want, you to think.
If you want more proof of how evolutionists are wrong about the length of time of geological burial of sediments here is something that happened in April of 1980 that proved that their speculations of the historicity of sediment burial is science fiction. A volcano eruption at St Helens in the state of Washington in the United States gave evidence of rapid sediment burial. Mud was turned into sedimentary rock in a very short time. At Spirit Lake trees were seen being buried in the various sediments as though they were being buried like polystrate fossils.8 So, you see we now have modern day proof of rapid burial of geological formations. There was also a canyon that was formed at Mount St. Helens at this time.9 The Grand Canyon was formed through rapid burial. I have a book put out by Steven Austin from the Institute of Creation Research that explains how the Grand Canyon was formed through rapid burial.10 Don’t believe these false teachers who believe in evolution. They were not there when the Grand Canyon was formed, but I was alive to witness Mount St. Helens.
Soft tissue has been found in many fossils of dinosaurs and other fossilized animals. It all started in June of 2005. In rock dated 70 million years by evolutionists soft tissue from a bone found in the state of Montana in the United States from a Tyrannosaurus rex was found to have soft tissue. Flexible blood vessels along with blood cells were observed and studied by paleontologist, Mary Schweitzer.11 How do you get soft tissue out of fossils in a rock that is dated to be 70 million years? In a later article I will write about how evolutionists date rocks.
If evolution is true, we should find many intermediate fossils which Charles Darwin predicted we would find in the future. We have not found any intermediate links. Where are the links between the invertebrates and the vertebrates? How about the fish to amphibians, and reptiles to birds, and birds to mammals? How about the link between apes to humans? I think there is a missing link.12
The Hoax of Human Evolution
One of the biggest hoax in science is the evolution of man. Lucy, the Australopithecine turned out to be a true ape.13 In Piltdown man, his jaw turned out to belong to a modern ape. However, for 40 years Piltdown man was seen as a true link between ape and man in school textbooks. Ramapithecus was discovered with just a handful of teeth and a jaw fragment. However, Louis Leakey pieced the jaw together incorrectly to resemble a human jaw.14 Eugene Dubois falsified information to the scientific community. His Java man was from a large gibbon which is a slender long armed ape from Asia. He also withheld information of thigh bones of apes which he found in that area.15 Peking man is nothing more than the remains of decapitated ape skulls that were eaten as food by true man.16 The most embarrassing hoax of human evolution is Nebraska man.17 A tooth was found thought to be the remains of a human. It turned out to be a pig’s tooth. Yet science fabricated artist’s drawings of this fictionalized Nebraska man. As I conclude, as you can see evolution is not true science, but science fiction.
“All these trees of life with their branches of our ancestors, that’s a lot of non-sense.” --Mary Leakey
Reasons To Believe: End Notes
1 Sylvia Baker. Evolution: Bone of Contention; Evangelical Press; Phillipsburg, NJ (1976) p 4.
2 Patricia Barnes-Svarney, Editorial Director; The New York Public Library Science Desk Reference; Macmillan; New York, NY 10019 (1995); p 90.
3 Duane T. Gish, Ph.D. Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record; Creation-Life Publishers; El Cajon, CA 92022; (1985); pp 38-39.
4 Dr. Kent Hovind; Evolution: Foundation for New World Order, Antichrist, and False Prophet; video; The Prophecy Club; Topeka, KS 66675 (1996).
5 Ibid. Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record; p 50.
6 Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D. “The Origin of Oil,” Answers; Vol. 2 No. 1 Jan-Mar 2007; p 77.
7 Walt Brown, Ph.D. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood; Center for Scientific Creation; Phoenix, AZ 85016 (1980); p 114.
8 Ibid. p 9.
9 Dr. Steven Austin; Conference Lectures; Mount St. Helens Explosive Evidence for Creation; video stream; In-Depth Creation Lectures (2017 IGH Conference) December 18, 2017.
10 Steven Austin, Grand Canyon Monument to Catastrophe; Institute for Creation Research; Santee, CA 92071 (1994).
12 Ibid. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood; p 10.
13 Ibid. Evolution; The Challenge of the Fossil Record; pp 144-145.
14 Ibid. pp 140-142.
15 Ibid. pp 180-184.
16 Ibid. pp 185-187.
17 Ibid. p 187.